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The Order of the Wolf

ission Statement by sextoypwrswitch Now that we are growing at such a fast rate, I feel that I should clarify what it is we should be hoping to accomplish with this. First, let me address some misconceptions, First of all, it was said that we are trying to take over, that isn't true, no where is it said that we mean to take over alt. Nor are we looking to start a war with anyone. What we are trying to do is deliver a message of acceptance as opposed to a message of aggression. We need to help our fellow roomies when they need us the most, which is after someone bullies or humiliates them. It will be a difficult task to rid alt of the bad ones, so let's not focus on them. Let's turn our focus on the ones they victimize. To help them in their time of need. Text doesn't convey emotion or intent and what is said could, under the right circumstances, drive someone to suicide. We need to make sure something like that doesn't happen. I believe that we can work with BigDaddy and nymph's depression group. If someone that we help has depression or needs an outlet, we can inform them of the depression sufferers group so that they can find comfort and information. I feel that this is a numbers game. If we get enough support, we can truly make a change. So I ask you all, tell your friends. Have your friends tell their friends. Let's make this work.

聯合主持人: B14s_goldenwolf, vamprqn5, Happyds_kel, giving_u_alll, happyd59, golden_wolf, sextoypwrswitch

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